Saturday, 19 January 2013

I'm Back!!

Hey everyone,

I have taken a few weeks off from the blogging world because, quite simply, I was exhausted. New job, increased hours, busy baby, and life in general all-combined had simply wiped me out. Today, however, is a snow day. A day for doing not alot really. And today I realised just how much I miss writing my blog. I have given it much thought, and instead of writing on an adhoc basis, I am going to be more organised and set aside some time each week to write. I will be making more regular, planned entries and will be giving alot more thought about the products that I buy. This all stems from the realisation (also today) that I am infact a hoarder. Be it body, bath or beauty products, I have become a magpie with a huge stash (post to follow!). My life feels cluttered, and part of my new years resolution was to have a good old-fashioned clear-out - starting with my hoard of products. I have become one of those people that see's something she likes and just has to have it! I need to nip this problem in the bud - fast - or I may just end up with my very own version of Boots.

So that's my little update. Keep a look out for my new blog posts, and any comments are (as always) very much appreciated. But, for now, I will leave you with a little snowy picture that I have taken from out of my bedroom window...

Happy Snow Day Everyone!!!



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